PDF Files for the Research Papers Before 2020
Papers in Journals
2010 - 2019
- Ren, L., T.M. Smith, P.A. Arkin, and S.S.P. Shen, 2013: Global precipitation trends in 1900-2005 from a reconstruction and coupled model simulations. J. Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118, 1679-1689, doi.10.1002/jgrd.50212.

- Shen, S.S.P., C.K. Lee, and J. Lawrimore, 2012: Uncertainties, trends, and hottest and coldest years of US surface air temperature since 1895: an update based on the USHCN V2 data, J. Climate, 25, 4185-4203. DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-11-11-00102.1.

- Shen, S.S.P., D. New, T.M. Smith, and P.A. Arkin, 2012: Hilbert-Huang transform analysis of the global average monthly precipitation, Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, 4, No. 3, 1250018 (21 pages). DOI: 10.1142/S1793536912500185.

- Smith, T.M., P.A. Arkin, L. Ren, and S.S.P. Shen, 2012: Improved reconstruction of global precipitation since 1900, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Tech. 29, 1505-1517.

- Shen, S. S. P., B. Kramps, S. X. Sun, and B. Bailey, 2012: An approach to quantify the heat wave strength and price a heat wave derivative for risk hedging, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 29, 1-9. DOI 10. 1007/s00376-011-1020-9.

- Shen, S. S. P., A. B. Gurung, H.-S. Oh, T. Shu, and D. R. Easterling, 2011: The 20th century contiguous US climate changes indicated by daily data and higher statistical moments, Climatic Change, 109, 287-317. DOI 10. 1007/s10584-011-0033-9.

- Donahue, A. and S. S. P. Shen, 2010: Stability of hydraulic fall and sub-critical cnoidal waves in water flows over a bump, J. Engineering Mathematics, DOI: 10. 1007/s10665-010-9371-2.

- Rupp, A. J., B. Bailey, S. S. P. Shen, C. K. Lee, and B. S. Strachan, 2010: An error analysis for the hybrid gridding of Texas daily precipitation data, Intl J. Climatology 30, 601-611, doi: 10. 1002/joc. 1917.
2000 - 2009
- Field, R. D., G. R. van der Werf, and S. S. P. Shen, 2009: Human amplification induced biomass burning in Indonesia since 1960, Nature (Geoscience), doi: of drought- 10:1038/NGEO443.
[Cover: "INDONESIAN FIRES: Drought and human influence" on the cover of the March 2009 issue.]
[Backstory: Nature (Geoscience) Backstory, March 2009, for the research of "Human amplification induced biomass burning in Indonesia since 1960."]
[Nature magazine's press release on February 22, 2009 about "Human amplification induced biomass burning in Indonesia since 1960,"] 
- Field, R. D., and S. S. P. Shen, 2008: Predictability of carbon emissions from biomass burning in Indonesia from 1997 to 2006, J. Geophys. Res. 113, G04024, doi:10. 1029/2008JG000694.

- Lee, C. K., S. S. P. Shen, B. Bailey, and G. R. North, 2009: Factor analysis for El Nino signals in sea surface temperature and precipitation, Theo. Applied. Climatology 97,195-203, doi: 10. 1007/s00704-008-0056-y.

- Shen, S. S. P., H. Yin, and T. M. Smith, 2007: An estimate of the error variance of the gridded GHCN monthly surface air temperature data, J. Climate 20, 2321-2331.

- Mwale, D., T. Y. Gan, S. S. P. Shen, T. Shu, and K.-M. Kim, 2007: Wavelet empirical orthogonal functions of space-time-frequency regimes and predictability of southern Africa summer rainfall, ASCE J. Hydrologic Engineering 12, 513-521.

- Wang, A., X. B. Zeng, S. S. P. Shen, Q. C. Zeng, and R. E. Dickinson, 2006: Time scales of land surface hydrology, J. Hydrometeorology 7, 868-879.

- Lau, K. M., S. S. P. Shen, K.-M. Kim, and H. Wang, 2006: A multi-model study of the 20th century simulations of Sahel drought from the 1970s to 1990s, J. Geophys. Res. 111, D07111, doi:10. 1029/2005JD006281.

- Basist, A., R. Hult, S. S. P. Shen, N. Thomas, and M. Basist, 2006: Microwave imaging that predicts yields, Futures magazine feature article, September issue, 50-54.
[Also on the cover page of this issue. ] 
- Shen, S. S. P., 2006: Statistical procedures for estimating and detecting climate changes, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 23, 61-68.

- Zeng, X. D., A. Wang, Q. C. Zeng, R. E. Dickenson, X. B. Zeng, and S. S. P. Shen, 2006: Intermediate complex models for the hydrological interactions in the atmosphere-vegetation-soil system, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 23, 127-140.

- Zeng, Q. C., X. D. Zeng, A. Wang, R. E. Dickinson, X. B. Zeng, and S. S. P. Shen, 2005: Some studies of the hydrological intereactions in the atmosphere-soil system, Chinese J. Atmospheric Sciences 29, 7-19.

- Zeng, X. D., X. B. Zeng, S. S. P. Shen, R. E. Dickenson, and Q. C. Zeng, 2005: Vegetation-soil water interaction within a dynamical ecosystem model of grassland in semi-arid areas, Tellus 57B, 189-202.

- Shen, S. S. P., H. Yin, K. Cannon, A. Howard, S. Chetner, and T. R. Karl, 2005: Temporal and spatial changes of agroclimate in Alberta during 1901-2002, J. Appl. Meteo. 44, 1090-1105.

- Lu, H., S. S. P. Shen, and J. Huang, 2005: Characteristics of the 500hPa signal field for the rainstorms over the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River, China, Acta Meteorologica 63, 333-341.

- Zhou, Y., S. Gao, and S. S. P. Shen, 2004: A diagnostic study of formation and structures of the Meiyu front system over East Asia, J. Meteo. Soc. Japan 82, 1565-1576.

- Mwale, D., T. Y. Gan, and S. S. P. Shen, 2004: A new analysis on variability and predictability of seasonal rainfall of central southern Africa for 1950-94, Int. J. Climatology 24, 1509-1530.
- Mei, M., J. So, M. Y. Li, and S. S. P. Shen, 2004: Asymptotic stability of traveling waves for Nicholson's blowflies equation with diffusion. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 134A, 579-594.

- Zeng, X.D., S. S. P. Shen, X. Zeng, and R. E. Dickinson, 2004: Multiple equilibrium states and the abrupt transitions in a dynamical system of soil water interacting with vegetation, Geophys. Res. Lett., L05501, doi.10.1029/2003GL018910.
[Reply to comment by Dekker and Rietkerk, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L09403, doi: 10.1029/2004GL022339.] 
- Shen, S.S.P., A.N. Basist, G. Li, C. Williams, and T.R. Karl, 2004: Prediction of sea surface temperature from the Global Historical Climatology Network data, Environmetrics 15, 233-249.

- Zheng, Q., S. S. P. Shen, Y. Yuan, N.E. Huang, V. Klemas, X-.H. Yan, F. Shi, X. Zhang, Z. Zhao, X. Li, and P. Clemente-Colon, 2004: Evidence of the coexistence of upstream and downstream solitary wavetrains in the real atmosphere, International Journal of Remote Sensing 25, 4433-4440.
[Also with Figure 1 featured on the cover page of the
International Journal of Remote Sensing 25, No. 21, 4431 (2004).] 
- Huang, N.E., M. L. Wu, W. Qu, S. R. Long, and S. S. P. Shen, 2003: Applications of Hilbert-Huang transform tonon-stationary financial time series analysis, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 19, 245-268.

- Huang, N.E., M. L. Wu, S. R. Long, S. S. P. Shen, W. Qu, P. Gloersen, and K. L. Fan, 2003: A confidence limit for the empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert spectral analysis, Proc. Royal Soc. Lond. A 459, 2317-2345.

- He, Y., Y. Lin, S. S. P. Shen, and R. Tait, 2002: Finite element approximation for viscoelastic fluid motion problem, J. Computational and Appl. Math. 155, 201-222.

- Shen, Y. D., L. Y. Yuan, J. You, S. S. P. Shen, and Q. Yang, 2003: A dynamic approach to characterizing termination of general logic programs. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 4, 417-430.

- Lau, W. K. M., K. M. Kim and S. S. P. Shen, 2002: Potential predictability of seasonal precipitation over the United States from canonical ensemble correlation predictions, Geophys. Res. Lett. 29, 10. 1029.
[With a NASA Goddard Space Flight Center press release as a Top Story.] 
- Shen, S. S. P., K. M. Lau, K-. M. Kim, G. Li and A. Basist, 2002: Formulation of the canonical ensemble correlation prediction for seasonal precipitation, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sci. 26, 114-140.

- He, Y., Y. Lin, S. S. P. Shen, and R. Tait, 2002: On the convergence of viscoelastic fluid flows to a steady state, Advances in Differential Equations 7, 717-742.

- North, G. R., S. S. P. Shen and A. Basist,2002: Global warming, in Encyclopedia of Environmentrics, John Wiley, New York, pp. 929-933.

- North, G. R., and S. S. P. Shen, 2002: Global circulation, in Encyclopedia of Environmentrics, John Wiley, New York, pp. 906-920.

- Basist, A., C. Williams, N. Grody, T. Ross and S. S. P. Shen, 2002: Soil wetness index, in Encyclopedia of Environmentrics, John Wiley, New York, pp. 2029-2033.

- Shen, S. S. P., B. Shen, C. T. Ong, and Z. T. Xu, 2002: Collision of uniform soliton trains in asymmetric systems, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems B9, 131-138.

- Shen, S. S. P., P. Dzikowski, G. Liand D. Griffith, Interpolation of 1961-1997 daily temperature and precipitation data onto Alberta polygons of ecodistrict and soil landscape of Canada, J. Applied Meteo. 40, 2162-2177.

- Basist, A., C. Williams, N. Grody, T. Ross, S. S. P. Shen, A. Chang, R. Ferraro and M. Menne, 2001: Using the Special Sensor Microwave Imager to monitor surface wetness, J. Hydrometeorology 2, 297-308.

- Folland, C. K., N. A. Rayner, S. J. Brown, T. M. Smith, S. S. P. Shen, D. E. Parker, I. Macadam, P. D. Jones, R. N. Jones, N. Nicholls, and D. M. H. Sexton, 2001: Global temperature change and its uncertainties since 1861, Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 2621-2624.

- Shen, S. S. P., T. B. Moodie, and B. Shen, 2000: Interpretation of stability and instability of the solitary wavesin a forced Korteweg-de Vries system, Canadian Appl. Math. Quarterly 8, 293-303.

- Xu, Z., H. Xu and S. S. P. Shen, 2000: Tailing wavetrain generation in precursor soliton generation insingle-layer flow, Progress in Natural Science 10, 350-356.

1990 - 1999
- Wang, X., and S. S. P. Shen, 1999: Estimation of spatial degrees of freedom of a climate field, J. Climate 12, 1280-1291.

- Shen, S. S. P. and G. R. North, 1999: Asimple proof of the slope stability theorem for energy balance climate model, Canadian Appl. Math. Quarterly 7, 203-215.

- Shen, S. S. P., T. M. Smith, C. F. Ropelewski and R. E. Livezey, 1998: An optimal regional averaging method with error estimates and a test using tropical Pacific SST data, J. Climate 11, 2340-2350.

- Smith, T. M., R. E. Livezey and S. S. P. Shen, 1998: An improved method for interpolating sparse and irregularly distributed data onto a regular grid, J. Climate 11, 1717-1729.

- Shen, S. S. P., and S. Zhang, 1998: A quantitative study on the stability of quadratic delay difference systems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 35, 1-16.

- Zwiers, F. W., and S. S. P. Shen, 1997: Errorsin estimating spherical harmonic coefficients from partially sampled GCM output, Climate Dyn. 13, 703-716.

- Shen, S. S. P., and X. Wang, 1997: Optimal average of regional temperature with sampling error estimation, Atmosphere and Ocean 35, 147-160.

- Li, T.-H., G. R. North and S. S. P. Shen, 1997: Aliased power of a stochastic temperature field on a sphere, J. Geophys. Res. 102, 4475-4486.

- Xu, Z., and S. S. P. Shen, 1997: Physical universals in problem of precursor soliton generation, Science in China 40, 306-314.
- Shen, S. S. P., 1996: Energy distributionfor waves in transcritical flows over a bump, Wave Motion 23, 39-48.

- Kim, K.-Y., G. R. North and S. S. P. Shen, 1996: Optimal estimation of spherical harmonic components from a sample with spatially nonuniform covariance statistics, J. Climate 9, 635-645.

- Shen, S. S. P., G. R. North and K.-Y. Kim, 1996: Optimal estimation of thespherical harmonic components of the surface air temperature, Environmetrics7, 261-276.

- Shen, S. S. P., R. P. Manohar and L. Gong, 1995: Stability of the lower cusped solitary waves, Phys. Fluids A 7, 2507-2509.

- North, G. R., K. -Y. Kim, S. S. P. Shen and J. W. Hardin, 1995: Detection of forced climate signals, Part I: theory, J. Climate 8, 401-408.

- Shen, S. S. P., 1995: On the accuracy of the stationary forced Korteweg-de Vries equation as a model equation for flows over a bump, Quarterly Appl. Math. 53, 701-719.

- Shen, S. S. P., X. Wang, Y. Liang, and R. Li, 1995: Optimal weight scheme for averaging regional temperature I: Theoretical analysis, China Science Bulletin A 40, 1351-1356.
[The Chinese version is also available.] 
- Mazzoleni, A. P., and S. S. P. Shen, 1995: The product of chord lengths of a circle, Mathematics Magazine 68, 59-60.

- Shen, S. S. P., G. R. North and K. Y. Kim, 1994: Spectral approach to optimal estimation of the global average temperature, J. Climate 7, 1999-2007.

- Shen, S. S. P., 1994: A simple model of reproductive mass spreading, Canadian Appl. Math. Quarterly 2, 395-412.

- North, G. R., J. B. Valdes, E. Ha and S. S. P. Shen, 1994: The ground truth problem for satellite estimates of rainrate, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech 11, 1035-1041.

- Gong, L., and S. S. P. Shen, 1994: Multiple supercritical solitary wave solutions of the stationary forced Korteweg-de Vries equation and their stability, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 54, 1268-1290.

- Wang, Y., S. S. P. Shen and H. Cheng, 1994: Evolution of the plastic zonenear a hydraulic fracture: a numerical simulation and its implications, Canadian Geotech. J. 31, 779-787.

- Shen, S. S. P., and L. Gong, 1993: Solitary waves on a shelf, Phys. Fluids A 5, 1071-1073.

- North, G. R., S. S. P. Shen and R. B. Upson, 1993: Sampling errors in rainfall measurements by multiple satellites, J. Appl. Meteor. 32, 399-410.

- Graves, C. E., J. B. Valdes, S. S. P. Shen and G. R. North, 1993: Evaluation of sampling errors of precipitation from space-borne and ground sensors, J. Appl. Meteor. 32, 374-385.

- Shen, S. S. P., 1992: Forced solitary waves and hydraulic falls in two-layer flows, J. Fluid Mech. 234, 583-612.

- North, G. R., S. S. P. Shen and J. W. Hardin, 1992: Estimation of the global mean temperature with point gauges, Environmetrics 3, 1-14.

- Hardin, J. W., G. R. North and S. S. P. Shen, 1992: Minimum error estimates of global mean temperature through optimal arrangement of gauges, Environmetrics 3, 15-27.

- North, G. R., S. S. P. Shen and R. B. Upson, 1991: Combining raingages with satellite measurements for optimal estimates of area-time averaged rainrates, Water Resources Res. 27, 2785-2790.

- Shen, S. S. P., 1991: Locally forcedcritical surface waves in channels of arbitrary cross section, J. Appl. Math. Phys. ZAMP42, 122-138.

- Shen, S. S. P., 1990: Blocking of solitary pulses in a nonlinear fiber, Wave Motion 12, 551-557.

- Shen, S. S. P., and M. C. Shen, 1990: On a limit of subcritical free-surface flow over an obstruction, Acta Mechanica 82, 225-230.

- Shen, S. S. P., and W. L. Perry, 1990: An example of nonlinear toxic mass spreading, Appl. Sci. Res. 47, 323-339.

- Valdes, J., S. Nakamoto, S. S. P. Shen and G. R. North, 1990: Estimation of multidimensional precipitation parametersby areal estimates of oceanic rainfall, J. Geophys. Res. 95, 2101-2111.

- Shen, S. S. P., and M. C. Shen, 1990: A new equilibrium of subcritical flow over an obstruction in a channel of arbitrary cross section, Eur. J. Mech. (B/Fluids) 9, 59-74.

1980 - 1989
- Shen, S. S. P., 1989: Disturbed critical surface waves in a channel of arbitrary cross section, ZAMP J. Appl. Math. Phys. 40, 216-229.

- Shen, S. S. P., M. C. Shen and S. M. Sun, 1989: A model equation for steady surface waves over a bump, J. Engr. Math. 23, 315-323.

- Shen, S. S. P., 1987: A note on the paper"a table of the special solutions of plane elasticity problems inpolar coordinates" by Pan Lizhou, Mechanics and Its Practices 20, 43-44.

- Shen, S. S. P., and M. C. Shen, 1986: On a Korteweg-de Vries equation with variable coefficients in cylindrical coordinates, Phys. Fluids 29, 1759-1760.

- Shen, S. S. P., 1985: A simple derivation of rigid-rotation formula, Euro. J. Phys. 6, 96-97.

- Shen, S. S. P., 1981: Some characteristics of the distribution of velocity and acceleration vectors of a rigid body, J. East China Engineering Institute 19, 53-59.

- Shen, S. S. P., 1980: A new derivation ofthe equilibrium equations of elasticity in curvilinear coordinates, J. East China Engineering Institute 18, 189-212.

- Huang, N.E. and S.S.P. Shen (ed.), 2013: Hilbert-Huang Transform and Its Applications, 2nd edition, World Scientific, 425pp.
- Huang, N. E. and S. S. P. Shen (ed. ), 2005: Hilbert-Huang Transform and Its Applications, World Scientific, 360pp.
- Chetner, S., and the Agroclimatic Atlas Working Group, 2003: Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta, 1971 to 2000. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Agdex071-1, Edmonton, Alberta, 89pp. (S. S. P. Shen is included in the Working Group. )
- Shen, S. S. P., 1995: Climate Sampling Errors, Lecture Notes at University of Tokyo , 74pp.

- Shen, S.S.P., 1993: A Course on Nonlinear Waves, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 327pp.
Papers in Conference Proceedings
- 1. Shen, S.S.P., T. Shu, N.E. Huang, Z. Wu, T.R. Karl, and D.R. Easterling, 2005: HHT analysis of the nonlinear and non-stationary annual cycle of daily surface air temperature data. In Hilbert-Huang Transform and Its Applications, edited by N.E. Huang and S.S.P. Shen, World Scientific, Singapore, pp.187-210.
- Zeng, Q.C., X.D. Zeng, A.H. Wang, R.E. Dickinson, X.B. Zeng, and S.S.P. Shen, 2005: Models and numerical simulations of atmosphere-vegetation-soil interactions and ecosystem dynamics. In Computational Physics: Proceedings of the Joint Conference of ICCP6 and CCP2003. May 2005, Beijing, China, edited by X.G. Zhao, S. Jiang and X.J. Yu, Rinton Press, Paramus, New Jersey, USA, pp. 98-109.
- Wang, A.H., X.D. Zeng, X.B. Zeng, S.S.P. Shen, and Q.C. Zeng, 2005: Dynamics and numerical simulations of hydrological vegetation-soil interactions. In Computational Physics: Proceedings of the Joint Conference of ICCP6 and CCP2003. May 2005, Beijing, China, edited by X.G. Zhao, S. Jiang and X.J. Yu, Rinton Press, Paramus, New Jersey, USA, pp. 230-233.
- Zeng, X.D., S.S.P. Shen, X.B. Zeng, and Q.C. Zeng, 2005: A three-variable ecosystem model and its numerical simulations. In Computational Physics: Proceedings of the Joint Conference of ICCP6 and CCP2003. May 2005, Beijing, China, edited by X.G. Zhao, S. Jiang and X.J. Yu, Rinton Press, Paramus, New Jersey, USA, pp. 284-287.
- Shen, S.S.P., 2004: A recipe for estimation and detection of climate changes. Proceedings of the 3rd International Ocean-Atmosphere Conference, Beijing, A2.5: 1-9.
- Shen, S.S.P., Q. Zheng, S. Gao, Z. Xu, and C.T. Ong, 2004: Wu’s mass postulate and approximate solutions of the fKdV equation. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vancouver, 288-297.
- Shen, B., D. Koval, and S.S.P. Shen, 1999: Modelling extreme-weather-related transmission line outages, in Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 1999, Edmonton, 1271-1276.

- Shen, S. S. P., 1998: Optimal estimation of climate parameters and climate data reconstruction, in Proceedings of the Section on Statistics and the Environment, American Statistical Association, 1998, 28-32.
- Shen, S. S. P., 1996: Forced evolution equations and detection of climate change. In Differential Equationsand Control Theory: Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations and Control Theory, May 1994, Wuhan, China, ed. by Z. Deng, Z. Liang, G. Lu and S. Ruan, 255-270.
- Shen, S. S. P., G. R. North and J. W. Hardin, 1993: Estimation of the global average temperature, in Mathematics, Climate and Environment: Proceedings of the Summer Course on Mathematics, Climate and Environment, August 1991, Madrid, ed. by J.-I. Diaz and J.-L. Lions, 307-315.
- Shen, S. S. P., 1993: Forced long critical surface waves in channels, In Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Flow with Applications: Proceedings of Vth International Conference on Free Boundary Problems, June 1990, Montreal, ed. by J. M. Chadam and H. Rasmusen, 388-394.
- Shen, S. S. P., G. R. North and J. W. Hardin, 1992: Sampling errors in estimating the global temperature with point gauges: data analysis and network planning, In Using Hydrometric Data to Detect & Monitor Climatic Change: Proceedings of the NHRI Workshop on Using Hydrometric Data to Detect & Monitor Climatic Change, April 1992, Saskatoon, ed. by G. W. Kite and K. D. Harvey, 33-42.
- Shen, S. S. P., M. C. Shen and S. M. Sun, 1989: Supercritical and subcritical solutions of a model equation for steady surface waves over a bump, In Continuum Mechanics and Its Applications: Proceedings of the IXth Annual Meetingof Canadian Applied Mathematics Society, June 1988, Burnaby, ed. by G. A. C. Graham and S. K. Malik, 399-410.
Technical Reports For Government
- Shen, S.S.P., 2009: The design and assessment of the acid deposition monitoring networks in Alberta, Alberta Environment, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 39pp.
- Shen, S.S.P., B. Shen, N. Newland, T. Yang, H. Hill, and A. Howard, 2005: Interpolating daily precipitation and temperature data on a regular grid in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada/National Agroclimate Information Service, 90pp.
- Shen, S.S.P., A.B. Gurung, H.-S. Oh, T. Shu, and D.R. Easterling, 2005: An assessment of the contiguous US climate change by higher statistical moments and GDCN data from 1901 to 2000. NOAA National Climatic Data Center, 82pp.

- Shen, S.S.P., 2004: Conceptual design of the AAFC national agroclimate data system, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada/National Agroclimate Information Service, 48pp.
- Shen, S.S.P., H. Yin, K. Cannon, A. Howard, S. Chetner, and T.R. Karl, 2004: Temporal and spatial changes of the Algroclimate in Alberta from 1901-2002, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 49pp.

- Shen, S.S.P., A. Howard, H. Yin, F. Khurshed, and M. Akbar, 2003: Statistical analysis of drought indices and Alberta drought monitoring, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 46pp.

- Shen, S.S.P., K.M. Lau, K.M. Kim, and G. Li, 2001: A canonical ensemble correlation prediction model for seasonal precipitation anomaly, NASA Technical Memorandum, NASA-TM-2001-209989, 53pp.

- Shen, S.S.P., and K. Cannon, 2000: Alberta 1961-1997 climate data on EDP and SLC polygons: data derivatives and data formation for soil quality models, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 38pp.
- Shen, S.S.P., P. Dzikowski, and G. Li, 2000: Interpolation of 1961-1997 daily climate data onto Alberta polygons of ecodistrict and soil landscape of Canada, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 43pp.
- Shen, S.S.P., 1999: An optimal assessment of Alberta climate change, Alberta Environment, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 39pp.
- Shen, S.S.P., 1999: Methods of spatial interpolation of climatic data onto ecodistrict and SLC polygons, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 28pp.
- Shen, S.S.P., 1994: An optimal program for averaging regional temperature anomalies, Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario, Canada, 25pp.